Whether you’re a small business owner or work with businesses in your community, you’ve arrived at the right place.
The Northeast Transition Initiative (NETI) helps business owners successfully plan their exit strategy and enjoy a well-earned retirement.
Your future is here.
Whether you’re a small business owner or work with businesses in your community, you’ve arrived at the right place.
The Northeast Transition Initiative (NETI) helps business owners successfully plan their exit strategy and enjoy a well-earned retirement.

Why your exit plan matters for our future.
Small Businesses
Owners of 200,000 small businesses throughout New England and New York State are looking to retire in the next few years.
of owners
Only 17% of those owners have a documented exit plan for themselves and their business
1 in 5
Only 1 in 5 commercial business listings find a buyer and fewer than 1 in 5 family transitions succeed.
& Closure
The smaller and more rural a business, the more likely it may liquidate and close when an owner retires.
Here’s How You Do It
Learn about your options for successfully exiting a business from those who know best!
Planning for Tomorrow is a video series that will help you get head start on your exit strategy. This 3-module video series is an accessible and engaging guidebook for business owners and advisors alike, and includes real testimonies from small businesses across the country. Watch now.
Check out the 1-minute trailer below or watch the full video series now.
Check out our resource guides! Read articles and case studies from business leaders and experts, or hear first-person testimonials from business owners like you.
Share your insight.
Help NETI learn about who you are so we can improve the resources and information we provide to business owners in the future.